Thursday, April 25, 2019

Life gets in the way sometimes

I have finally made my way back to sewing (partially).  DH and I have had some health issues, nothing really serious but still annoying. 

Past few days, I have worked on spring cleaning my sewing room and still have more to do.  I have decided on a pattern to make---McCall's7904.

I thought I would try the shirt as seen on the model, but with shorter sleeves. Then I thought I would try View A.  The fabric I was going to use however will probably not drape as shown for that view.  I have pulled out a couple of other fabrics from stash and need to decide.

I have at least cut around the pattern pieces and have pinned them for fitting purposes.  I have not gotten to that part yet.  Sewing has always been my stress reliever, but not happening now.

I admit I am feeling some anxiousness and having been retired for one year now, I find I miss the interaction with people as I had at work.  I miss not having a sewing guild to interact with members. I reached out to a chapter near Wilmington and wanted to talk about starting something here. No response, so maybe I will try to be a squeaky wheel and try again.  Fabric stores that are close by are for quilting and I have no real desire to quilt.  The only source for fabrics and patterns is Hobby Lobby.  They do have some fabrics that appeal to me and the staff is nice but not necessarily garment sewists or even sew.

Sorry to sound like Debbie Downer, but it was rather cathartic to spell it out here.   I am currently waiting for the Geek Squad to assist with a smart TV that I am not yet smart enough to fix the app issue using apps to view on the TV screen.  And the front burner on our stove though set on heat level 4 or medium with sometimes raise the heat level to high all by itself.  Potential for a safety issue here.

Thanks for stopping by and I will lose the Debbie Downer attitude before I post again.


  1. Hi. Some times life just is not smooth sailing. For me when this happens it’s often because I am spending to much time by myself. I have to get moving with cleaning, walking, volunteering and reconnect to my friends. Also as weird as it is I often find mending gets me feeling better. Sending you a hug and a general nudge to get out and breath fresh air. Best wishes.

    1. Thank you Pat! I am spending way to much time by myself. Thanks for the hug and nudge.

  2. Not to worry about being a "Debbie Downer;" we all experience days like that. They pass, and may be followed by a period of renewed enthusiasms.

    The blouse you've chosen to make is really cute; I look forward to seeing it on you on your blog.

    I am elderly but still working, part time, and value interactions with my two co-workers who are also my employers. I wrestle often with whether or not to continue working or stay home so that I can work on creative projects, which I love. About quitting working: I dread having to force myself to find a way to go out and interact with others every day if I quit work. Yet, if I didn't, I know I'd feel isolated and lonely.

    1. Thank you Carol for your comments. I have been retired for 14 months and now I am truly bored. My best day right now is when I go to PT and interact with staff and other patients.

  3. I feel you! I am not yet retired but am heading that way. On one hand I want to stop working but on the other I worry about the social aspect. And I live alone with very few friends. I am trying now to find groups to prepare myself when the time comes. Keep looking for groups to join.

    1. Thanks, Vicki! Most all of my girl friends are scattered throughout the USA. I am looking into a potential beginner Yoga class as my PT therapist suggested it as a way to extend my therapy.

  4. I hope you make it past the "annoying" health issues soon. Take care of yourself, get the rest you need, and do an activity that brings you joy. Sometimes the Debbie Downer spirit gets the best of all of us, but I think you are right to seek community and social interactions in a real way while you are retired. I hope you can start a group, or find one that suits your needs. Hugs!

  5. Sewing can be a very lonely hobby. My local sewing guild caters to quilts, no fabric stores close either. That is why I love ALL my Bloggers & YouTube. Keep yourself busy and talk to US, were here and listening. Hope your health issues are resolved as is your stove troubles. Happy sewing!

  6. Sewing relieves my stress too. But sometimes the more stress I'm under, the less I can manage to sew. My life has had its turns and twists lately too and I'm making myself sew because it is my happy place. I'm always amazed when asked by at Joann's employee about what I'm making with the fabric they are cutting and they seem surprised or shocked at what I'll be sewing. LOL I'm glad we can connect online this way to share our passion.

    1. Thanks, Shirley! I actually made myself work on making fitting adjustments to the McCall pattern and it felt good.

  7. Hi Linda, i understand the feelings about retirement and missing the daily interactions with your work colleagues. I felt the same way when I retired. I found that I was messaging/emailing people more, but it is just not the same as talking to them. I also found that i was spending more time cleaning/ puttering around the house without getting anything done. I decided to limit cleaning to 1 hour a day.
    After a while, I began to expand what I was doing. I hike with a group of people who meet on Tuesday mornings. Most of these people do not sew or theother crafts that I do. However they have other interesting hobbies such as model trains, botany, etc. We also attend lectures at our university on history and other topics.
    There is a group that meets at the library for knitting and crochet. The women( and men also). come from diverse backgrounds. Some of them sew, others don't. ( I looked up your town and your library has a knitting and stitchery group. Perhaps you could show up with a sewing project to hem with them. You might find people who are sewers among those people.)

    You might contact the drama department at the high school and ask if they ever need help altering costumes. I found that our high school really appreciated simple changes to dresses to fit the play of the season.

    When you are at the library, take out some sewing books and ask the librarian if they know of any sewing groups in town. I find that librarians usually know a lot about different groups and clubs in their community.

    I hope these suggestions might help you find some people to share your hobby with. Best wishes.
    Carol in Boulder ( The only way I could figure out how to comment is through anonymous)

    1. Thank you Carol! I appreciate your comments about what you did when retired and what you are doing now. My DH is an introvert and is enjoying cutting our grass and some others in our neighborhood; he enjoys solitude. I appreciate solitude when I have been very busy interacting with others; however my interaction has been much less. I too putter around cleaning and set a cleaning project a day.

      I appreciate your suggestion about the library and the group you found. I did contact the library earlier this week to see when the Friends of the Library group meets. Had not thought about asking them about groups that sew or knit.

      I also found a nice quilt shop near me and had fun walking around and talking with staff. I am not a quilter but did find some fabrics that I would sew for some garments.

      Again thank you for your feedback as it has been most helpful.

  8. I have been through what you are going through. I retired happily at 53. The next five years were spent sewing anything and everything I wanted every day. I searched for guilds and like minded individuals out in our "bush". No luck. I found it isolating and while the internet provided me with friends that I had communicated with for years and even met, they were not in my daily sphere of real life. I went back to work. First, I did just temp jobs. Then I decided I was so happy back at work I went for full time and took some civil service tests, best thing I ever did. Civil Service does not discriminate. Unless you are an ax murderer, if you get the highest score, you get the job and I ended up getting the best job of my entire career. I made amazing friends and we are still so close even though I have moved and retired, sort of , again. I now know that I need people. I need outside activity and I love to sew as well. You can put this all together and come out happier than ever. I promise and I am living proof.

    1. Bunny, forgive me for not responding sooner. Thank you for sharing this with me and what you were feeling is pretty much the same as me. I am handling this better and yet I still have some lingering feelings but handling much better. Last year I sewed a lot and this year not much. I miss my ASG friends and no AGS here, nearest is 1 1/2 hours away. I have found one group and plan to attend a meeting in the near future. I am trying to find remote work part time and have not had much success but I keep trying. I want to work afternoon hours. I had hoped to use Kelly Services for temp work and they do not serve this area. Local temp office has not been too helpful. Again thank your sharing this with me!

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August Sewing Simplicity 7295

 I am not doing well as a blogger. I have been working on this project since July 30. Today, I finally finished it. It has been a stop-and-g...