Tuesday, October 23, 2018

The Journey has Ended!

I am done with my pant project.  I mostly enjoyed the journey and decided this can end now.  The pants are not perfect and from the photos that follow I, as well as you, may also see where some more tweaks can/should/would be made.

I compared the final results to my side zipped Talbot's pants with some surprising similarities and some differences.  The back waistband matched the back waist of the Talbot pants. The front waistband on the sewn pants was about 3/4 inch longer. The crotch length was fairly spot on for both the front and back.  The major difference was the fullness of the legs, especially at the thigh area. The hip on sewn pants was still curvy compared to Talbot's and I trimmed that section down several times.

Here are the final results.  I have not hemmed the pants but did pin them to the length I would wear them. 

This is the front with side zipper. Still some excess fabric near crotch on the left when viewing the picture which is my right side.
This is the side view
This is the back view
I like the back style of these pants.  There is a side back and back piece that is sewn and mine lined up well running from waist to hem.  I took up this section at least three times. There is still some bagginess under the bum.  I am okay with this.  I have some of this with RTW also.

This is how the pants look with top out which is how I mainly wear pants and tops.

I still need to hem them and may wear them around the house.

Here are some of my takeaways from sewing these pants.

  • When you make one tweak, you may have to make two more tweaks somewhere else.
  • It would be nice to take a pant fitting class with other sewists who can help you see what works and what is not working well.
  • I took a lot of pictures to get a better idea of how the pants were fitting.
  • Using the Palmer/Pletsch Pants for Real People book as well as the Craftsy class by Melissa Watson helped. 
  • Watched other pant fitting videos and learned that how one sewist fixes an issue may not be how another would do it.
  • I should have gone a size smaller from the beginning.  Using the information provided about being between sizes and if you are more mature and/or have a flat bottom you may want to go up a size.  My bottom is lower and flatter than it was when younger, yet I had to take in up to almost two inches in some areas because I sized up instead of my normal size for my hips which is between 14-16.
  • I still am confused about crotch length and crotch depth and need to have more knowledge about which I should adjust. 
  • Just because I have sewn for many, many years does not mean that because of that I should want to sew pants.  Now that I have made the best fitting pants ever for me, I really still do not want to sew pants.  
  • I may still sew some shorts in the future when it is spring again.
  • I rather sew dresses, tops, jackets, and skirts.  I have sewn these for many years and know what tweaks, changes I need to make.  Results are normally good.

Time to move on and make some knit tops as the weather has gotten cooler; many of my tops have been in the wardrobe for a few years now. Some are wearing out or I am just tired of wearing them.

Thanks to all that commented on my pant sewing journey, it truly helped me to keep going with this project.


  1. You had an amazing pants journey. I can really appreciate the fit that resulted from all your work.

    1. Thank you! It was a process but I am glad I finished it!

  2. I think they look really great!!! You really persevered and it shows.

    I also think it's great to attempt something but to stick to what you love to sew! I always say I am not one of those people with any interest in "graduating" to couture sewing or drafting patterns. Doesn't mean I'll NEVER do it but that's not my interest.

    Can't wait to see what you cook up for fall!

    1. Thanks! Now that I have hemmed them and made one final adjustment, I think I will wear them some. I am moving on to making some tops from knit in my stash and a cardigan.

  3. I think they look great. I try to emphasize in my classes that when you are wearing something you are not standing still and there will be creases and folds from movement etc. so you can't drive yourself crazy with fit.

    1. Thanks Beth! They do feel good when I sit, no riding down in the back. I have hemmed them now and made an adjustment at the hips and think I will wear them some. It was a learning journey and I am ready to move on to sewing garments that I enjoy sewing.

  4. I hope you hear the round of applause I am sending you!!! You did such a good job on these, and thank you for sharing your takeaways with us. I think I'm going to try going a size smaller too. I saw that in one of the Bluprint classes, and never thought to do so. Bravo!

    1. Thanks Vanessa for being my cheerleader during this project. I have to admit some of my anxiety about pant sewing has disappeared. I will probably try another pattern but will move on to something I enjoy sewing more.!


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