Friday, January 08, 2010

2010 Sewing Goals

This week has been the week from ______! since returning to work from vacation. My job was changed once again; I truly was somewhat ambushed by my boss as I did not see this coming. I have had to work through the many emotions that this change created for me. Sometimes you just have to let go and let God! Once I did that I started to feel better.

With this job change, I just have not had the energy to go into my sewing room and prepare for my next sewing projects. Fortunately though, I have allowed myself the opportunity to think about what I want to work on next. I had been leaning toward dresses and have decided that will be my focus at least for this month. I also decided to come up with some sewing goals for 2010. I don't want to set a goal of sewing X garments. For me, not achieving this will feel like failure and I just don't want to do that. So my goals are broad yet measurable.

1. Spend less time at computer taking advantage of that time to do more sewing.
2. Reorganize sewing room.
3. Refashion some garments acquired through Goodwill, other thrift stores,consignment shops and items already in my closet.
4. Reacquaint myself with machine embroidery and incorporate this into a minimum of three garments this year.
5. Work on sewing with a plan.


  1. Well, your job didn't start the new year off very well did it? Hang in there. It's bound to get better. Meanwhile, dream sewing!

  2. Sorry about the job ambush. I dealt with things like that and so happy that that part of my life is over now. I've hit the 3 yr anniversary of retirement and I'm still loving it. Hope things settle out for you and remember, sewing is good therapy!

  3. Good sewing goals Linda! Having recently gone through some job changes (with accompanied wage cuts!), I can sympathize with you. Hope it gets better soon!

  4. It is so stressful when the "____" finds its way into your week. Wishing for better days. Very good goals for the year. I see some of my own in yours.

  5. That looks like an excellent set of goals! Not spending so much time on the computer at home when i could be sewing is something I am working on also.

  6. "Work" can certainly ruin a good day :( but I hope things get better for you.

    Sounds like your goals are very reasonable. Have a great week end!

  7. Hope things settle out for you and remember, sewing is good therapy!

    Work from home India

  8. I am sorry to read about your job situation. I hope it settles down and all ends up for the best.
    On the goal front, I need to set an embroidery goal. I have the embroidery unit for my machine. I bought it back in May or Juene because it was offered to me by the dealer at such a great price when they upgraded software. I have yet to use it!! I really haven't had that much of an interest in embroidery. I would like to make some embroidered pants or jackets. Hopefully time will permit such projects soon.

  9. Sorry to hear about the job situation. But it sounds like your plan to make your sewing resolutions more productive and non-stressful is a good one! Looking forward to seeing what you'll come up with!


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