Sunday, February 05, 2017

Did I or Didn't I???

Several posts ago I said I was going on a fabric/pattern diet.  The first week in January I bought fabric. Since then I am back on the wagon.

Last week I went to our mall which is about 10 minutes from work to get some lunch.  I walked through Barnes and Nobles after eating thinking I would quickly see what new sewing related magazines were available.  I have been buying Sew Style since second half of last year as they had become available in my area.  So I saw this one.

I could only see a little of  what articles were included because of  three free Butterick patterns as well.  Here are the three patterns.

I do not own any of these patterns. I have enjoyed reading the magazine.  This magazine came home with me.  So I asked myself, did I just buy some patterns or did I buy a magazine that just happened to have three patterns as part of the magazine?  ๐Ÿ˜ผ๐Ÿ˜ฒ


  1. Hi Linda, I am new to the blogging world and really enjoying reading about what others are sewing. I am hoping it will get me back into sewing most of my clothes like I used to. In response to your question, no no no! You are still good. Thank you for going the extra mile to blog.

  2. Linda you bought a sewing magazine with some free patterns. It would have been like buying a Burda magazine which is more magazine to me than patterns since I rarely use them. So you are still safe with your pattern fast - well at least to me! :)

  3. No worries! You definitely bought a magazine!!! You're good on your pattern diet! :-)

  4. What a great deal! I will have to look for this magazine in our Barnes and Noble. I agree, you are still good on your pattern fast- afterall, you had bought this magazine before.

    1. Thanks Ann! The other two issues I purchased had patterns also but from an indie pattern source, so I was surprised to see 3 patterns with this one all from Butterick. Do go check it out!

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. Wow, that's the UK edition! I didn't know you could buy it in the US, but when I think about it we buy US quilting magazines here. I saw it myself and was tempted. I should just think of it in magazine terms, after all you bought it in a bookshop!

    1. Yes we do get the UK edition and glad we do. I have enjoyed reading this publication.


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