Next I am to select 6 to 10 bloggers to whom I would like to give this award to. So many have been nominated so I will try to come up with 6 new ones. Here goes:
- 2BSewing-she is also lives in Virginia
- Elaray-her blog is Another Creation, a person who I will one day meet in Charlottesville, VA
- Phatchick Designs-believe me she is not "phat" and she makes lovely garments
- Krystal-aka Pirouette, blog is called Krustallos
- Dana-her blog is Lean Mean Sewing Machine
- Adrienne-her blog is Real Life: Live and Unscripted
Write 6 of your most important values:
-Respectful of others
6 negative points you condemn:
-Unethical behavior
Inform the recipients by leaving a comment on their blog.
Congratulations, Linda.