Sunday, February 21, 2016

Freaky February Weather

My last post was about Freaky February Garment of the Month, which has not yet materialized.

Last Monday was a holiday and my big plans for sewing were interrupted by a snow storm followed by sleet and freezing rain.  All of this led to power outage for three days!  Freaky February Storm!

I like snow when I don't have to travel in it; I don't like it when it is snow, sleet and then freezing rain.  Instead of sewing DH and I were shoveling snow.  A young man in our neighborhood came along and using snow blower tackled cleaning my very long and uphill driveway.  My husband and I are still not sure where he came from and when we offered to help replenish his gas he would not accept our gift.  His was a true gift to us as we have enough aches and pains without having to do a lot of shoveling.

So the sun came out while all of this was going on and the snow stopped.  A few hours later, came the sleet and then during the night came the predicted freezing rain. I woke at 3:15 AM on Tuesday morning to quiet and realized  we had no power.

Tuesday, Feb. 16 was my 43rd wedding anniversary.  Going into work at noon, the temps were rising and the rain was over.  That evening we moved into a hotel, enjoyed an unplanned dinner out for our anniversary and enjoyed having lights and heat.

We were able to return home on Friday.

I lived in Florida for nine years and loved every minute of it!  I remember sitting in my recliner watching people dig out from the snow while wearing shorts and sandals and feeling sorry for those that had that digging/shoveling to do.  When I retire I am Florida bound again!!!

My parting comment------


  1. Congratulations on your 43rd anniversary!

    And sorry about the freezing weather. Brrr!

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  3. This year we celebrate our 43rd anniversary also. Congrats on yours !!!!!
    I live us AZ so we are the ones sitting on the patio - but come June -Sept we are roasting !

    1. MaryEllen, I live in Arizona also! NW of Phoenix. Yeah, nice weather on the patio, and I'm all about planting some flowers!

    2. July to September in Florida was brutal sometimes. Even with pool, the water would get hot also, but loved swimming in the evenings after work.

      My great aunt lived in Mesa, AZ.

    3. And congrats on your 43rd anniversary!

  4. I'm sending congrats also on your anniversary! We're going out on Monday for our 41st! I kinda feel like a survivor! As MaryEllen said, I'm also one sitting on the patio with my ice tea or wine, enjoying the warm sunshine and gardening, though I don't mean to rub it in. Here's to Florida!

    1. I understand the survivor comment. There were several couples who married around the same time and several did not survive the marriage. It does take work and we still are best friends.

  5. What a nightmare!

    Happy Anniversary, and I'm glad you're home. I was without power for 3 wks after hurricane Wilma and would have moved into a hotel if there had been a room available!! and I was also worried about looting...

    I hope you get some nice sewing days soon.

    1. 3 weeks is a long time. 3 days seem like nothing compared to that. We were lucky to get a room as others like us were seeking temporary shelter also. Some hotels including the one we stayed at also housed other electrical companies coming to the aid of restoring power in our area.

      I did get my Eleanor jeans cut out today and serged the seams for sewing.

  6. We are having beautiful weather here in Florida. It's been a warm, wet winter. We welcome you here when you are ready!

    1. Thanks Bonnie! I am ready now but have a few more years to go, unless I win the Lottery ;-)

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  8. We have had temps in the 70's here in NM. Today it is snowing. I have been keeping myself busy sewing!


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