Saturday, March 10, 2007

Fabrics arrived!

Thursday the knit fabric from Gorgeous arrived. Too my surprise, the knit fabric was something I already have in my stash! I got the same piece from BestOnLine Fabrics on ebay. No wonder I liked it. One can never have too much knit fabric.

Obviously I need to get more of fabric stash posted on my software program. I am doing well with posting patterns in stash.

I also received fabric from Deepika owner of She has surplus fabric and this piece works with an idea I have to make pants like ones I saw at Macy's. The fabric is top quality and she purchased it from EOS (need I say more). It is a RPL.

I have yet to receive knits from Fabric and Notions coop. EFQ is on vacation so I am sure I will be receiving something later this month.

Got to run, off to CURVES. Not sure that I am going to get much sewing in this weekedn :-(. Have family business to take care of.



  1. Stacy ( & I too ordered from GT. I am curious which fabric you ordered? We both bought the black & white floral (the kind swirly one). Small world huh?

  2. I have resisted the fabric so far but I am weakening. Can you share the link to the ebay seller? Thanks and have fun with your new fabric.


August Sewing Simplicity 7295

 I am not doing well as a blogger. I have been working on this project since July 30. Today, I finally finished it. It has been a stop-and-g...